Monday, February 8, 2010

Who Am I That YOU Are Mindful of Me?

Today is definitely one of those days that make me thankful I serve such a wonderful and loving God. Not only did I have a stomach flu but I had a paper and a reading log due today. My log was based on Hebrews 2, which is completely about relationship with Christ. The author of Hebrews quotes Psalm 8 ("What is man that you are mindful of him,, the son of man that you care for him?") to show that even though we were made a little lower than the angels, we are made in God's image and therefore He desire's relationship with us. Sadly, because of the fall of Adam and Eve, that link was severed. In the Old Testament it was required to sacrifice your best to the Lord in order for there to be atonement for your sins. Thankfully the King of heaven invaded our universe, became like us, a little lower that the angels (Hebrews 2:9),suffered death and became the ultimate sacrifice. Verses 17 and say it was "for this reason that he had to be made like his brother in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people. Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted." So if you find yourself saying: "Man, this is like the worst day ever!" just know that Jesus lived just like we did. He probably had some sort of stomach flu or had projects that had to be finished for his (earthly) father's business. Christ came to identify with us in every way, except for sin. In the Old Testament atonement for one's sins came from the shedding of blood, since life is in the blood (and death is the punishment for sins)by shedding the blood of a sacrifice, one could be forgiven for a period of time of the sins that they had committed. We have discovered through science today that the blood of a baby comes from the father's side. Since Jesus had no earthly father (Mary conceived of the Holy Spirit), he did not have the sin nature in him that we have running through our veins. Which is why he could go through life without sinning and thus become the perfect sacrifice. Hebrews 1 says that "the Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of His being;" Jesus came to show us that God is not some big meanie in the sky waiting to strike us with a lightening bolt every time we mess up. Jesus has already provided purification for our sins (Hebrews 1:3)and allowed us to live in God's mercy and grace every day. If you have accepted him and made the decision to turn from living in sin, then continue to walk and grow with him! If you haven't made that decision yet, please think on it. You can do it right now, at this very moment. You don't need someone to lead you in a prayer at an alter. You can accept Christ in you life right in front of your computer screen.

Say the following prayer out loud, believe it from your heart, and you will become saved and born again.

Dear Father,

I now believe that Jesus Christ is Your only begotten Son, that He came to our earth in the flesh and died on the cross to take away all of my sins and the sins of this world. I believe that Jesus Christ then rose from the dead on the third day to give all of us eternal life.

Lord Jesus,

I now confess to You all of the wrong and sinful things that I have ever done in my life. I ask that You please forgive me and wash away all of my sins by the blood that You have personally shed for me on the cross. I am now ready to accept You as my personal Lord and Savior. I now ask that You come into my life and live with me for all of eternity.

Father, Jesus - I now believe that I am truly saved and born again.

Thank You Father.
Thank You Jesus.

If you said that prayer and truly meant it, I pray that God blesses and leads you every day. You can talk to Jesus just like you would any friend. He loves you more than you can ever know. The best way to know the Lord is through His Word. Somehow get a copy of the Bible (you could even borrow one from your local library) and really delve into it's pages. It will bring you encouragement and guidance in your daily walk. I personally prefer the NIV Bible(New International Version)although there are several different translations. The most accurate are the KJV (King James Version), NKJV (New King James Version), and the NIV (New International Version). Start reading in Mark and it will help you to get to know your Savior a little better. If you ever have any prayer request feel free to leave me a comment on this post or other posts and I will pray for you.

Here are some helpful verses depending on the situations you may be going through:

God’s 911 Numbers

1. When in sorrow, call John 14
2. When lonely or afraid, call Psalm 23
3. When you want to be fruitful, call Psalm 51
4. When you have sinned, call Psalm 51
5. When you grow bitter and critical, call I Corinthians 13
6. When you worry, call Matthew 6:19-34
7. When you feel discouraged, call Isaiah 40
8. When you need courage, call Joshua 1
9. When you feel down and out, call Romans 8:31-39
10. When the feel in danger, call Psalm 91
11. When your faith needs stirring, call Hebrews 11
12. When God seems far away, call Psalm 139
13. When others fail you, call Psalm 27
14. When you need assurance, call Romans 1:1-30
15. When you want the secret to happiness, call Colossians 3:12-17
16. When the world seems bigger than God, call Psalm 70 and Jeremiah 33:3

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